
Some Quick Updates, and A New Community Group!

Hi, and welcome to this bonus episode of Podcaster Stories. Normal service will be resumed next week (always wanted to say that!), but in the meantime I just wanted to share some quick updates around the show.

  • A new Facebook group for the show
  • A fun review challenge that I'm taking part in
  • Requesting feedback around a membership option I'm working on

As always, thanks so much for listening to the show, and sending me emails with feedback on episodes, or just to say hi - I always like receiving them and getting to know more about you.

Until the next, stay safe and take care.

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Hi, and welcome to this bonus episode of Podcaster Stories.


Normal service will be resumed next week (and I've always


wanted to say that, so yay me!), but in the


meantime I just wanted to share some quick updates around


the show. If you're on Facebook and you were following


the page for the show, I'm moving that to a


group format instead. This comes about from feedback from listeners


like yourself, who prefer the more organic flow that groups


offer, and I've gotta say, I agree. So, as of


right now, the Facebook page is archived, and you can


come and join the new Facebook group, where you'll find


fellow listeners and podcasters just chilling out, talking about podcasts,


the show, and more. I'm also looking to have regular


live streams, where previous guests join to chat more about


their podcasting process and personal lives, as well as have


community members just talking about anything in general.


Just search for Podcaster Stories Community on Facebook, and come


say hi. We're a friendly bunch, I promise. In other


news, I'm taking part in a fun challenge to increase


the amount of reviews the show has on the podcast


apps that support them. So, for the rest of March


and then April, I'm looking to add at least 10


new reviews of the show. If you enjoy Podcaster Stories


and want to add your own review, it's really easy.


Just head on over to, and you can choose

where to leave a review:


Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Podchaser, Castbox,

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and Podcast Addict. To make it even easier, it only

where to leave a review:


opens the apps that are supported on your operating system:

where to leave a review:


Apple Podcasts for iPhone, Podcast Addict for Android, and so

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If you do leave a review, be sure to let

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me know as I'd love to thank you on the

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show. Finally, I'm currently putting together an option where you

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can be a supporter of the show. It's still being

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finalized what that looks like, but in the meantime, if

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this is something that you're interested in, hit me up

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via email and let me know what you'd like see

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offered. You can email me via and I'll be

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sure to reply directly to you. So that's it for

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this bonus episode. Next week, I'll be chatting with Paul

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Sutton from the UK, and then more great stories to

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share from podcasters James Perdue, and Lainey Cameron. As always,

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thanks so much for listening to the show, and sending

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me emails with feedback on episodes, or just to say

where to leave a review:


hi. I always enjoy receiving them and getting to know

where to leave a review:


more about you, so thank you.

where to leave a review:


Until the next time, stay safe and take care.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Podcaster Stories
Podcaster Stories
We listen to our favourite podcasts, but don’t always get to know the stories of the people behind these voices. Podcaster Stories looks to change that.

About your host

Profile picture for Danny Brown

Danny Brown

Danny Brown is the host of the award-winning One Minute Podcast Tips, the show that helps you be a better podcaster in just a minute a week. He's also hosted, and co-hosted, several other podcasts - if you called him a serial podcaster, you wouldn't be wrong! He's been in the podcasting space for over 10 years, and has the scars to prove it.

He's the Head of Podcaster Support and Experience at, the world's only growth-oriented podcast hosting, distribution, analytics, and monetization platform for the serious indie podcaster.

He lives in beautiful Muskoka, Ontario, Canada with his wife and two kids, where he spends winters in front of a cozy fire and summers by the lake. Well, when he finds time away from podcasting, of course...